I originally saw this as a Christmas card idea, but didn't have the time, but I thought it was a good idea to share my 'Top Ten Moments of 2010' so here they are...
1. Sophia's 1st Birthday- It was amazing how fast that year went by, but I enjoyed every minute!
2. Hearing Sophia utter the words, "Mama"- It brought tears to my eyes!
3. Watching my baby girl develop into a beautiful and very active toddler- I love watching her learn new things, from learning how to roll over, then crawl, to walking and now running!
4. My six year Wedding Anniversary with Patrick- We spent our anniversary in Savannah and it was special because it was our first night away from Sophia since bringing her home from the hospital!
5. Being Matron of Honor in my "sister's" wedding- I was so honored when Brooke asked me to be apart of her special day! She has always been there for me so I am glad I could be there for her!
6. Being an Aunt for the first time- I was very happy for my sister-in-law and her husband when they had their baby this year, she was worth the wait!
7. Completing my 1st 5K run- I say first because I would love to keep doing 5k runs. I would have love to have completed under 40 mins but it was my first and I will improve it over time!
8. Having Thanksgiving in our house for the 1st time and having all the family over- It was a little intimidating planning a meal for 11 people but all in all it went well!
9. Going to NYC for my 27th Birthday- I love NYC and it was an amazing surprise getaway and we had a great time together!
10. Eating at Daniel- It was the most amazing food that I have EVER ate! It was an experience eating there! It has changed the way I feel about food! Quality is much better than quantity!