A little less than a year ago, my church held their annual revival. But before the revival began the Lord gave my Pastor a message about having your heart prepared for revival and if there is bitterness in your heart you can not be properly prepared! I felt that this message was just for me and it was! God always knows what we need and when we need it... we just need to listen to that still small voice, although in my case it wasn't a small voice; it was loud and clear voice. "Jessica I forgave you, You can forgive her!" I heard that over and over!
It began 3 years prior when I was deeply hurt and wounded by someone I loved very much! Someone that I thought could never ever hurt me, but she did! I let bitterness build and build inside me for 3 years too long and it was time to do the right thing! As soon as I left that service I called her and asked her to forgive me for being mad for so long. And the following poem was something that was from my heart, because at the time I did not know how to express what I was going through or feeling. So I am not a writer nor a poet but I had to somehow find the words to express this trial in my life because it had such a great impact on me!
I am ashamed to say
That I have been harboring bitterness deep inside me,
And it just would not let my conscience be.
Because I know that it’s not the Christian way!
I felt wronged and betrayed
By someone I held so near and dear,
But losing her would be my biggest fear.
So knowing what I must do, let not my conscience be swayed.
I must follow Christ’s example.
He was wronged and betrayed more than I, but He still forgave.
He that had no sin, died for us to save.
I must forgive her as well, so that I can be found faithful.
I can not see the future as God can.
Because when this trial first came into my life
All I could see was heart ache and strife,
But now I realize I must follow God’s plan!
God is the Author of my story.
And although I long for the bond we once had,
If I follow Christ’s example it can not be bad,
And to God be the Glory!
Let all bitterness , and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.
Ephesians 4:31,32
As a child I recited this verse probably a thousand times, but as an adult I fully understand its importance in fullness and appreciate it so much more!
What is this life if, full of care, We have no time to stand and stare?
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Newlywed Game

Newlywed Game
My sister-in-law posted this on her blog and I thought it would be fun to try with Patrick! He did good I was impressed but some answers were pretty funny!
1. She’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Patrick: Sex and the City
Me: Sex and the City since E! is showing all the old ones that I never saw.
2. You’re out to eat, what kind of dressing does she get on her salad?
Patrick: Balsalmic Vinegarette
Me: Balsalmic Vinegarette
3. What’s one food she doesn’t like?
Patrick: Mushrooms
Me: Mushrooms! Gross!
4. You go out to eat, what drink does she order?
Patrick: Water with lemon
Me: Even even answered with lemon, exactly how I order it, word for word! HAHA!
5. What shoe size does she have?
Patrick: 7.5
Me: 7.5, He has bought me shoes, so I know he knew this!
6. What’s her favorite type of sandwich?
Patrick: Honey Ham with Mircle Whip on a Hawaiin sweet roll
Me: I love this sandwich and eat it a lot! Obviously! But I would also say Philly cheesesteak!
7. What would she eat everyday if she could?
Patrick: Same as answer above, See #6
Me: Yes I could eat this everyday and not get tired of it!
8. What is her favorite cereal?
Patrick: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Me: Sorry babe, I love those but my favorite is Me Lucky Charms!
9. What would she never wear?
Patrick: Thong Bikini
Me: Bikini, but if I wouldn't wear a bikini there is no way I would wear a THONG bikini! Yikes! HAHAHA I give it to him I would NEVER!
10. What is her favorite sports team?
Patrick: Jacksonville Jaguars
Me: I love my Jaguars! One day they will be in the Super Bowl!
11. What is something she does that you wish she wouldn’t do?
Patrick: Not doing dishes
Me: He is right I hate that I get behind some days but he really had a hard time even thinking of that so I have been doing better!
12. What is her heritage?
Patrick: English/ Irish
Me: True, I have been doing more research on this a lot lately!
13. You bake her a cake, what kind of cake?
Patrick: Red Velvet
Me: Vanilla with Vanilla icing! Yum! This was his second choice.
14. Did she play sports in high school?
Patrick: Basketball
Me: Haha! He said this because he remembered I got pushed on my butt by Melissa, but that was just PE. I only actually played softball, because he doesn't consider cheerleading a sport!
15. What could she spend hours doing?
Patrick: Shoe Shopping
Me: He knows me so well!
16. What is the unique talent that she has?
Patrick: No gag reflex
Me: Umm I dunno...
17. What is her type of coffee?
Patrick: The kind without coffee
Me: I love his answer... so funny and he is right that is the best kind! HAHA
Copy & paste this & fill in your own answers with your hubby!
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