Newlywed Game
My sister-in-law posted this on her blog and I thought it would be fun to try with Patrick! He did good I was impressed but some answers were pretty funny!
1. She’s sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Patrick: Sex and the City
Me: Sex and the City since E! is showing all the old ones that I never saw.
2. You’re out to eat, what kind of dressing does she get on her salad?
Patrick: Balsalmic Vinegarette
Me: Balsalmic Vinegarette
3. What’s one food she doesn’t like?
Patrick: Mushrooms
Me: Mushrooms! Gross!
4. You go out to eat, what drink does she order?
Patrick: Water with lemon
Me: Even even answered with lemon, exactly how I order it, word for word! HAHA!
5. What shoe size does she have?
Patrick: 7.5
Me: 7.5, He has bought me shoes, so I know he knew this!
6. What’s her favorite type of sandwich?
Patrick: Honey Ham with Mircle Whip on a Hawaiin sweet roll
Me: I love this sandwich and eat it a lot! Obviously! But I would also say Philly cheesesteak!
7. What would she eat everyday if she could?
Patrick: Same as answer above, See #6
Me: Yes I could eat this everyday and not get tired of it!
8. What is her favorite cereal?
Patrick: Cinnamon Toast Crunch
Me: Sorry babe, I love those but my favorite is Me Lucky Charms!
9. What would she never wear?
Patrick: Thong Bikini
Me: Bikini, but if I wouldn't wear a bikini there is no way I would wear a THONG bikini! Yikes! HAHAHA I give it to him I would NEVER!
10. What is her favorite sports team?
Patrick: Jacksonville Jaguars
Me: I love my Jaguars! One day they will be in the Super Bowl!
11. What is something she does that you wish she wouldn’t do?
Patrick: Not doing dishes
Me: He is right I hate that I get behind some days but he really had a hard time even thinking of that so I have been doing better!
12. What is her heritage?
Patrick: English/ Irish
Me: True, I have been doing more research on this a lot lately!
13. You bake her a cake, what kind of cake?
Patrick: Red Velvet
Me: Vanilla with Vanilla icing! Yum! This was his second choice.
14. Did she play sports in high school?
Patrick: Basketball
Me: Haha! He said this because he remembered I got pushed on my butt by Melissa, but that was just PE. I only actually played softball, because he doesn't consider cheerleading a sport!
15. What could she spend hours doing?
Patrick: Shoe Shopping
Me: He knows me so well!
16. What is the unique talent that she has?
Patrick: No gag reflex
Me: Umm I dunno...
17. What is her type of coffee?
Patrick: The kind without coffee
Me: I love his answer... so funny and he is right that is the best kind! HAHA
Copy & paste this & fill in your own answers with your hubby!
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