I guess it has been awhile... I have been going through a lot of personal things this past year that are not as easy for me to talk about. One of the most difficult times of this past year was in August just before my birthday. When Patrick and I found out that we miscarried during our first pregnancy. I never really knew how I would deal with something like this until it actually happened, but the Lord is gracious and helped us stay positive through that time, although it was difficult.
I have since learned that I have hypothyroidism which may or may not have caused the miscarriage. It is difficult to know exactly when because the symptoms are nearly the same as pregnany (tired, hungry, gaining weight, hair loss, always cold). So I have started taking Synthroid now, which I will have to take everyday and have frequent blood work to check those levels. I had my first check-up since beginning the medication and my levels are already under control. The Lord does answer prayer not always right away and maybe not the answer we want, but He does answer prayer!
I now embark upon a new year, which is starting with so many new changes for me. Last year while working at the hospital I really became discouraged about working every other weekend, which as a nurse is something at one point in your career have to do if you work at the hospital. I began to pray about this situation more and more. As it became apparent that nothing could be worked out at where I was, the Lord opened a new option at the end of the year when I almost thought that there was no other option. The Lord answered my prayer in a way I was not expecting, because I loved where I worked and really didn't want to leave. But I am so happy now that I can be at church every Sunday morning/evening and Wednesday evening now. Patrick is also happier now that we can get up in the morning together and I am home when he comes home in the evening and not to mention we have every weekend now! So I am thankful for all these new changes so far this new year!
I will continue to pray for friends and family that still are going through difficult circumstances that only the Lord can bless and comfort in those areas and pray for a happy new year for all!
Glad to hear the meds are working.
I love your theme. Keep writing (if you have time). I really enjoy keeping up with friend's blogs, especially if they have positive things to say. Thanks for sharing!
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